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I am giving up music to attract money.

Yes, you heard right. I will be giving up music from my everyday life in order to attract money, increase my income, attract opportunities, etc.

As of February 1st, I began a challenge, I'm sure you've all heard of the Law of Attraction and the power of positive affirmations. So, I decided to test it out for myself. I've had a brief encounter with the LOA personally pretty recently. For those of you who know me, I've challenged the Law of Attraction once before and it created incredible results. About 6 months ago I began reading the book, and for some reason, I am unable to find it, but the basic idea is that there are specific exercises to prove that the force of the universe is real. For the first exercise, you demand that the Universe give you a clear sign of its existence and power, and you allow it 48 hours to make itself known. Last time I demanded that the Universe give me a sign, I received a job offer and not just any job offer. I am a college student, I have yet to graduate, but 6 months ago I landed a job for after I graduate. I received the job interview in the spur of the moment, I did not take months preparing or researching the company, and I simply showed up at the interview. Per the words of the interviewer, everyone was smitten with me, and they enjoyed my personality so much, they just had to extend the offer. It wasn't a coincidence, I haven't heard back from them in weeks, and once I demanded a sign, the next day I received the job offer.

I decided to challenge the universe once again, just to prove that it isn't a coincidence. A skeptic at heart. I needed more proof. Things were not going so great at the job I had at the time. Two months ago I went on a month-long vacation to Thailand and Bali. While scrolling through my photos on my phone, I came across a screenshot from a few weeks ago that stated: "Each morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself that something good will happen today". While doing my makeup, in the mirror, I decided that it couldn't hurt to test it out. I had no expectations in mind, I simply stated what the post asked me to. The results were immediate. After finishing my morning routine, I checked my email on my phone. I have just received an email from my student financial aid office at my university. I was confused. I owed money for dropping a class and figured it was a notice that it was time to pay my debt. However, upon opening the email, according to the message I was the one getting money back. I double, triple, quadruple checked that the email was from this morning and not a few months ago. I decided to check my student account, and behold, I received an additional grant from my school, for the upcoming semester and last. Allowing me to pay the debt I owed as well as pay for upcoming classes. The power of LOA is incredible.

The bliss didn't last long, however. Upon returning home, I received a call that I am being laid-off. It wasn't a surprise, the company wasn't doing too well, I was bummed though. I am fully supporting myself, and I just got back from not working for a month. It was going to be rough. And this is where I am now. I decided to once again ask the Universe for a favor, but in this case, I am asking for a big one, and I wanted to share it with you all.

I remember watching a video about an entrepreneur whom for 30 days gave up all social media, all music, and TV, and replaced her time with audio books, motivational speeches, and affirmations. Being an avid reader myself, I have already been listening to audiobooks, my self-development journey has begun as of January 1st, and I have successfully completed 3 books so far. I decided to take it to the next level. I am giving up music, and replacing it with positive affirmations about money and wealth, and motivational speeches, TED talks, videos. So while I'm driving, riding the bus, walking to class when I usually would listen to music, I am not listening to affirmations and to avoid looking like a lunatic, repeating them silently in my head.

I did tell you I am doing it big this time though. I decided to amp it up and include guided meditations focusing around money here and there when I remember. I have been journaling for a while now, but I am switching it up once again. Writing down what I desire, the dream life I want, rather than venting about how horrible my coworkers were.

I give the Universe an entire month of February to bear fruit. To give me a huge sign that cannot be mistaken for a coincidence, or a series of smaller signs proving itself. I am certain the outcome will be positive, but what I am trying to see is just how much belief can accomplish. I know it will be major.

I will write weekly updates for you all to follow along with my journey on this challenge. It will be the first of many. I hope it inspires all of you to pursue yours as well. What would yours revolve around?

What other challenges would you like me to test out? Let me know in the comments down below.

                                                                                                 Xoxo, Anita



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Motivation Monday

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